Serenity Valley Farm: 1 Ground Hogs: 0
What follows is a dramatization of an event that occurred on 05 APR 10 at approx. 1700hrs told all military like, so don't be irked if what follows doesn't make sense to everyone.
[Scene: Brett (RedMoon06) and Dora the Dog (RedMoonDelta) are on patrol vicinity of field 503]
(radio squelches)
"RM06 this is RM Delta, I'm picking up some signs of recent enemy activity south side of 503, moving to investigate, time now, over."
"RMDelta this is 06, roger, charlie mike I have you in overwatch from 501. 06 out."
"06 THIS IS DELTA! CONTACT! CONTACT CONTACT! AM IN HIGH SPEED PURSUIT OF ENEMY GROUNDHOG TOWARDS SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF 503, BREAK...06 this is Delta, I have 1 enemy groundhog pinned in a tree at my location. Please advise. Over."
"Delta this is 06, moving to your location time now standby. 06 out."
(RM 06 switches from internal patrol freq. to RedMoon command freq.)
"Red Moon TOC (Tactical Operations Center, or 'Base') this is RedMoon06, SALUTE report to follow, over."
"RedMoon06, this is RedMoon TOC, send it, over."
"RM TOC, this is 06. SIZE: 1 adult ground hog ACTIVITY: holding a defensive position in a tree LOCATION: south side of field 503 UNIFORM: grey fur TIME: 1754hrs EQUIPMENT: none. Request permission to engage. Over."
"RM06, this is RM TOC, standby, gotta check with JAG. Over"
"RM TOC, RM06 roger, standing by"
"RM06, RM TOC JAG says use of lethal force is authorized, you are cleared hot."
"RM TOC, RM 06, engaging, with...RADIO SQUELCH AND STATIC...."
"RM 06, RM TOC. You're breaking up, what's your status? over."
"RM TOC, RM 06, 1xEKIA (Enemy KIA) and NIDE (No injuries or damaged friendly equipment) we are RTB (returning to base) time now. Over."
"RM06, RM TOC. Roger. Good kill. Out."