Western PA's Average Last Frost Date is Today!!
May 26th is Western PA's Average Last Frost Date. There's a saying, "He who plants first, plants twice," meaning that planting BEFORE the Average Last Frost Date carries a fair amount of risk in having your seedlings killed off by a "freak freeze" in early May (like we had just a few weeks ago) or even worse mid to late May. Whilst freezes/frosts have occurred after that date in the past, they are "statistically improbable." This means if you plant after May 26th and have your crops killed off by a freeze in early June you are just horribly horribly unlucky as opposed to the petulantly impatient fools who have their crops killed off by freezes before May 26th. Now get out there and plant with confidence that if a freeze comes along and smites your tender seedlings it was not because you were impatient and like to waste money planting in the snow but because you have angered the planting Gods in some other fashion, most likely by using a non-organic product on your soil :-)